Friday, November 10, 2006


So guys sometimes wonder why girls have such a hard time with their bodies. The skinniest think they should be skinnier. The prettiest think they should be prettier. Well here is a big clue. We know guys go for the looks. For alot of guys, mostly non-believers, looks are IT. And everytime I try to convince myself it ain't so I find something like this:

"Ok So we have come to that time in the year when the race for the Seacow Trophy....... If you have a faint heart do not read on. The Seacow Trophy will be awarded to the first person between Baringer and Delor to hook up with a um.... husky member of the opposite sex. The rule is if the person weighs more than the participant then they are eligable for the Seacow Trophy."

This was under the Buddy Info of a guy I used to work with. He and I were great friends. So I thought...but that's a whole different story. But part of it is that he used to tell me not to think of myself as fat, ugly, etc. and then I find this. According to the rules of this "race", if he and I dated, he would win and I would be his Seacow. I weigh more than he does. And while the wording of the above excerpt makes it sound like it is for both genders, more is listed that I didn't post that makes it clear the "participants" are all male. This guy gives statistics for who he thinks will win. For one of his roommates he writes, "He is just to damn cocky to ever hook up with a Seacow... but hey everyone makes mistakes". So dating a woman with a little more body fat than most is a mistake?!

Part of me is ashamed of myself. I know I weigh more than is healthy for me. And I'm trying to work on that. But part of me is so outraged! Just because I'm a little chunky doesn't mean that I'm a mistake! I may not be beautiful, but dangit! I'm fun, I'm loyal and by the grace of God I would make somebody a great mate! There is more to a woman than her thighs fellas! I know that's a big deal for you and it's part of the way you are made. But please try to look beyond that. Look at our hearts and minds and spirits. I may be a Seacow, but I'm a Seacow that is growing in grace and inner beauty by the help of the Lord Almighty. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!


Blogger ordi said...

oh amanda, why do you even take people like those serious? what these guys are doing is an amazingly immature thing to do! it's STUPID! it is worthy to be ignored or rebuked, maybe even to be ridiculed, but definately NOT to be thought of as the standard in which guys think! not AT ALL!!

some guys are just stupid - and by the grace of God, they grow up and mature.. hardly any of them stay eir puperty for longer than 20 years ;) to exaggerate my point: these guys still think of girls as having cooties.. they are not mature enough to see the PERSON behind a girl (no matter if it's an attractive girl or not! they just see the trophy! no matter what kind of trophy!) .. you want to stay away from guys like that - they ARE the cooties you dont wanna catch! :o)

even if you were THE most attractive girl in the world: STAY away from guys like these!! they are not good for your heart whatsoever.. you're not a boy-toy.. but that's what they're looking for.. pray for em, but never ever take em for serious!! :/

9:09 AM  
Blogger Elder said...

well, that is exactly my point! i'm not upset about this as in "poor me" i'm mad about this as in, "you jerk!" and i'm not saying this is how all guys think, but it's stuff like this that keeps those rumors going! and he can keep his blasted cooties! i sure as hades don't want them ;)

10:05 AM  

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